Tips for Hosting a Craft Beer Party for Your Friends


It does not matter what type of party you are hosting; you need to do some preparation to ensure everything goes off without a hitch. If you are planning on throwing a party and you are not sure what to do, why not go for something everyone can enjoy – craft beer party. Fire up the grill and have a casual beer tasting party that involves lots of fun craft beers.

These simple steps will help you host a memorable event that will not soon be forgotten.

Variety is the Key

When hosting a craft beer tasting party, you must order in a lot of different beers to ensure you have enough to go around and you have plenty of diversity when it comes to taste. Get in touch with a local brewery or distributor and see what types of craft beers they have on offer. You can order mixed case beer or single boxes and have them delivered to your event. To create the ultimate craft beer party, get at least 6 or 7 local beers and explore each new taste with attendees. If you are not sure what to craft beers to buy, pick from a broad spectrum.

Seated Beer Tasting Party or Casual Event

A seated beer tasting party is a more full-on event that requires the host to prep a table and let each contestant take their seat. You can add lots of props to the event to make it more enjoyable – think beer tasting goggles and snacks. This is a fun opportunity to turn your backyard into an impromptu beer garden. Do not forget to include items such as:

  • Tall shot glasses (for sampling craft beers)
  • Glasses for water (to cleanse the palate)
  • Notepads (so guests can write down their reviews)

All of these accessories are essential for the party.

Party Food

The last thing you need to host a memorable craft beer party is good snacks. You should not offer anything heavy, simple bite sized snacks are perfect for a craft beer party. Think about cheese, crackers, popcorn, crisps, and nuts.

There you have it, some great tips to ensure your craft beer party goes off without a hitch. Craft beer parties are a great idea for any occasion. Not many people have tried craft beer and lots of your guests will be excited to attend a craft beer party in your home. It sparks conversations and puts smiles on people’s faces.

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